Bon Appétit

Content Strategist / Qualitative Analyst

My time with Bon Appétit (Emerson Dining) was cut short due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but I still engaged in roles that provided great experience marketing for a national brand. The 2019-2020 AY served as the first for which Emerson Dining created this position. As a marketing assistant, I worked alongside three other students to develop a stronger connection between our dining services and the Emerson community. My goal, alongside my tasks researching and developing content, was to serve as a liaison between Emerson Dining and students, creating dialogue through both parties.


Content Creation

I managed Facebook and Instagram for Emerson Dining during the spring semester. This included regular posting three to five times per week, as well as categorizing content to evaluate performance.

Content Performance Analysis

Along with content creation, I sought to better understand what type of content students enjoyed engaging with the most. This process included reviewing each Instagram post and categorizing based upon the type of content. I found six main content types: global food, coffee, students, staff, company graphics, and food posts.

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Posts coded based on content type

Posts coded based on content type

After coding each post based on the content type, I created a chart to depict the division of the kind of content we post. This chart reveals we mostly posted graphics from the Bon Appétit photo library, which I found to be the least popular type of post. This led me to refocus the content creation to share images which students enjoyed engaging with more.

Analysis of Category Performance

I used this graph to compare to the pie chart above, as this display reveals photos of staff received the most likes, with an average of 22 likes per post. We posted this type of content only 14% of the time, compared to company graphics being posted 34% of the time. This graph, created in Tableau, helped redirect our attention to capturing moments of staff and students, making our Instagram and Facebook pages a more personal space for students to connect through dining services.

Qualitative Analysis: Understanding Student Satisfaction with Dining Spaces

Emerson Dining had not previously hired a dedicated marketing team to manage events, maintain an online presence, and cater to students’ needs and concerns. When I first began working for Bon Appétit, I created this role with my supervisor, having experienced the miscommunications and confusion with dining services in the past.

This position consisted of daily assessment of comments in multiple on-campus dining and retail spaces, in addition to survey development and analysis.


Each day students wrote comments on a chalkboard in our main dining hall, which I recorded and categorized based upon levels of importance and frequency. I highlighted the most relevant comments in a weekly report delivered to each staff member, increasing consistency and ensuring each retail location team received full, transparent communication.

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WBUR's The ARTery


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